Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

What endorphins??

Running endorphins is a bunch of crap. I never feel high while running. I feel my heart, my lungs, my thigh muscles, the uphill, and my side stitches quite acutely, but never ever high. I feel high AFTER the jog, and AFTER a shower, and largely because of the feeling of being clean and having accomplished something.

The route posted on the right had an unrelentless slight incline through Mount Faber Park which made me want to crawl up the hill, stop at the first bus stop and hail a bus home. But I couldn't cos there wasn't a bus home from there, and I had promised my parents that I would pick up dinner for them on my way back. So I slogged on in the evening drizzle.

Yesterday's jog, on the other hand, was fast, short, and poised to kill. I swear my heart was about to thump right out of my chest when I finally stopped. Later, I had a massive tricep cramp when I lowered myself in my first tripcep push-up. The things we submit our bodies to...

A bit of trivia - How do you know when you've drunk too much water before a run?
read more!

1 comment:

Mostly Another Gaudy Grouch In Exile said...

"I feel high AFTER the jog...largely because of the feeling of having accomplished something." ditto.