Pencil Shavings

Thursday, March 31, 2005

10.5km MacRitchie Loop

S and I had a rather adventurous jog yesterday. We did the 10.5km route around MacRitchie for the first time. We only started at 6:30pm (never never never again!) so by the time we were looping back, it was almost dark. We kept on jogging (in fear) until S tripped on a root and then we decided we were better off walking because of the dark. Luckily for us, we saw three guys walking in front of us and so we followed them until we got out to the road. At one point we could barely see 50m in front of us. *shiver*

I tell ya, adrenaline is the best way to keep from being tired. I carried my hp just in case, but at the point where we thought that we might have made a wrong turn and there was nobody in sight and it was already 710pm, my hp made a beep and it said, “No network." Boy did we run. We did it in 67mins, which was faster than what we did in Australia.

AND I get home and what does my dad tell me over my mee goreng dinner? That when he was a young man, his friend from the church youth group went jogging at MacRitchie and they couldn’t find his body for 7 days. In the end they found him in the water crouched in the fetal position. He was only 16, ended up getting 7As, but wasn’t alive to get his results. Sheesh. No wonder I couldn’t sleep last night.

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