Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

:) and coffee make the world go round

3-in-1 coffee is way stronger than Nescafe Gold Blend. I had a cup of Gold Roast Stronger Coffee this morning at home and the neurons are firing a thousand a minute. Connections are connecting as never connected before. (I am also as verbose as the long-necked mongoose who ate the alphabet.)

There is something about being here in this moment.

The office recently installed a security pass system that is incredibly anal. It is like being in secondary school all over again, with the purple nametags pinned over the school badge, but worse. No pass, no entry, nothing else to be said, even if the security guard sees me every day and knows for a fact that I work in this impregnable castle with photostating machines. They are so anal that they won't even let you out of the building without a pass before 4:30pm!

Needless to say, I've been quite sulky about it, now that I've to walk an extra five minutes in a large detour to get to my cubicle because they have closed off all unnecessary entrances for security purposes. I don't smile as much to the security guards in the morning when I'm rummaging through my bag to find the pass.

And then it struck me today, why in the world was I making the guards my enemies for? I remember one of my former bosses, a very approachable and jovial guy, and I can just imagine him joking with the guards and laughing at the passes together. That should be way to go about it. Laughter makes the medicine go down. (And sugar too, for that matter.)

And that is the thought for the day, thanks for tuning in.

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