Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Jumping in anyway

Even though I don't know if I can swim.

I hate this feeling.

I just handed in a draft proposal for a work project a new boss tasked me over the weekend. I've no idea whether the proposal I sent in is good or not, considering I've never done anything like this before, and this work project is the first task of many this new boss is giving me, in view of, dare I say it aloud?, a possible promotion with an expanded portfolio.

The expanded portfolio scares the dickens out of me.

1 comment:

colinrt said...

there's only one way to find out I guess...

re: hate the feeling... don't look at it as something to be afraid of... instead, think of it as a clean slate... your boundaries are those you set for yourself... you can draw them as small or as large as you want them to be... you set your own limits... given the opportunity, do shoot for the stars... and if you do fall short, you may surprise yourself how far that is, compared to where you would be if you didn't even try...

we are too used to operating within our own comfort zones... i know, i am guilty of that too... but once in a while, choose to break out and take a chance... it may change the way you look at things...

i guess the way to look at it is to think of it as though you were running an unknown marathon route... you know you got the training in you, and the legs to last the distance, the only thing you don't have is the map, but that shouldn't matter too much, because there will be road signs ahead, there will be waterstops along the way, there will be a finish line where you expect it to be... just pace yourself and go for it... be seeing you at the finish line...