Pencil Shavings

Monday, November 28, 2005

Bits and pieces

Today is a fairly long day at work for me, but it is nothing compared to renohtaram's work day. My shoulders are tired from having to hold my head up. Looking forward to snuggling with Owen Meany later, though I would much prefer snuggling with someone else.

Advent began this past Sunday. Not sure why Advent means so much to me. Perhaps it is because that tension between expectation and joy captures the essence of Christianity, heck, the essence of life, for me. Read about the meaning of Advent here.

This is also the last week to the half marathon. Kinda excited, but I keep forgetting about it too, since I've been busy.

Also, one phone and two SIM cards is just not a good idea.

1 comment:

colinrt said...

hi there...

dropped by to say i completed my NaNoWriMo project just after 12 noon yesterday... woot!!! am on top of the world at the moment... can't seem to go to sleep, too excited...

re: snuggling with someone else... hmmph... what does a link back to yourself mean??! o_O