Pencil Shavings

Sunday, November 20, 2005


My Sundays have settled into a very pleasurable pattern.

After attending morning church service, I amble to the library to pick up the week’s supply of books. Then I hop onto a bus back home to read and rest until evening when I go for the long jog of the week.

I am strangely content.

This is the proposed route for this evening's run. If we manage to finish this route, I would say our training for the half marathon is complete!


colinrt said...

just a thought: you may wanna post the route after you jogged it, that way, there's a smaller likelihood of a crazed fan or stalker getting any unseemly ideas...

by the way, we're practically neighbours... at the edge of the angmokio estate, i can just make out reservoir from my window... between the other blocks of flats, that is... ;-)

mis_nomer said...

What, you stalking me is it? :)

Though you're right -- I probably shouldn't post it before the run, or at least not say when I'll be running it.

I would love to have a view of the reservoir from my room. You must live practically in YCK already.

Aren't you afraid of stalkers by posting where you live? :)

colinrt said...

ahaha... not this month, next month maybe... another 18,000 words to go before the 30th... :-(

and not afraid of stalkers... don't think anyone would find me very stalkworthy, i'm afraid... o_0

ya, home's practically on YCK, within the trapezoid on the map bounded by AMK Ave 4, 9, 6 & YCK, also known as the Condo Trap (altho it doesn't quite have the same ring as the Bermuda Triangle, sadly)...