Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sign here

Okay, I'm stressed. It is a dull nervousness that makes my fingers cold and my mind go blank. I'm not even sure why I feel stressed. Most of the urgent work is out of the way; my boss and colleagues will be leaving for a two-week holiday soon; and I'm in a very good place at work now. But I received something in the mail today that is making me all jittery.

All it says is.. "Here is the xxxx renewal contract for your confirmation" and my legs have all turned to jelly. Me, sign? All I've signed so far are misery little receipts for misery little amounts. No big deal, right, put your name on the dotted line and the sum will be deducted from the company's coffers. Have I told anyone that I hate spending money?

I think I'm going to go make a powerpoint or two to calm my nerves before looking at that email again. Meanwhile, I need to stop mumbling "stress.." under my breath in the pantry so my colleagues won't walk into me and think I'm a wuss, which I am, anyway.

P.S. 4 more days to the race and I am eating PURE JUNK. Sigh.
P.P.S OWEN MEANY is restoring my faith in John Irving.

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