Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

How to mount bike light on helmet?

Otterman has his blinking red bike light mounted onto his helmet. How cool is that?

I also want... How to mount?

(For that matter, I also want his iBook and lightly tinted shades.)


Jim Jannotti said...

Phew. How long does it take to put all that stuff on?

Sivasothi said...

I bought the shades from a bike shop in Changi Village, cost about S$10. Brand is King's, as in King's safety goggles!

I have a few more of the rear-mounted lights from Canada's Mountain Equipment Co-cop (MEC), at S$25. I bought 10-15 extra last year for my cycling kakis and for riders who ask me about it on the road. Not sure is its available online for cheaper these days though. Email me at if you;re interested. Pickup at NUS or Holland Village.

iBook non-negotiable, of course.

mis_nomer said...

hey, thanks for the info. Your shades are cheap! May consider getting a pair for running if it doesn't jiggle around too much.

Will think about the rear-mounted light some more and get back to you. Thanks!


Sivasothi said...

Yeah, I have to post a follow up on this photo - front and back of bike. I have two rear red lights, and two front white lights. The latter I use even in the day as river pick up the blinking. Very useful at junctions.