Pencil Shavings

Friday, November 18, 2005

What does goggle god say I need?

Picked up a meme from Jim. What you do is to type in your name into google, followed by the word "needs" and write down the top ten hits.

So, I need

... to be fit as it is at the top of quite a steep hill.
... to learn to be “yielded and still.”
... clients from every part of North America.
... to be properly tamed into a petite lady
... to pay attention to sign.
... to respond even in the waking state

I think it is hilarious. :) Thanks Jim!

1 comment:

Jim Jannotti said...

You're welcome. Thank you right back (for the link).

Your list sounds like a poem, except for the part where you need clients from every part of North America, but otherwise... :-)