Pencil Shavings

Friday, June 23, 2006

The weekend is here!

(This is my sister's dog looking a little high. And that is exactly how I feel right now. Yippee!!)


Jim Jannotti said...

And how did we get to feeling a little high, young lady?

colinrt said...

that, my friend, is definitely worth a thousand words right there...

enjoy the weekend...

Anonymous said...

what a goofy doggie! does she like being tickled? heehee!

mis_nomer said...

Jim, the promise of a weekend is a strong draught. ;)

Tot, you too! Though it is almost over as I type this. It is 12:45am Sunday night. Sigh.

Eric, a caption contest! Fun! Too bad I don't have enough traffic to hold a contest. You're welcome to use it if you run out of contest ideas. :)

Smole, I think she is impervious to tickling. Her hide is too thick. Not kidding.

colinrt said...

something i made for with your sis' doggie...

mis_nomer said...

Tot, oh my goodness, that is sooooo cool!

Jim Jannotti said...

the promise of a weekend is a strong draught

What's a weekend?