Pencil Shavings

Monday, August 29, 2005

Monday Morning Post

Photo courtesy of the celebrity dog, Jessie.

Woke up this morning and wanted an MC.

My forearms are spotted red and are very very tender from playing volleyball yesterday. Dang, they hurt even when the water from the shower hit it, and the pressure of the water supply in my flat is pathetic. Doctor friend says the red spots and slight bruising look exactly like the rash you would get if you were to contract dengue, and then I thought, "Ha! Now no one would know even if we got dengue from all the mosquitoes in the park."

One friend had ten mosquito bits concentrated on her elbow. Another friend had flattened bites on the forearm (playing volleyball, you see). I got bites on my calves and upper arms.

Anyway, the picnic was a blast. The mascarpone dessert was a disaster though -- tasted like raw egg. Had to throw the whole thing out in the end. Possible reasons:

1. Not chilled enough.
2. Not enough sugar.
3. Egg yolk not required.

Ah, live and learn. :) Now all we have to do is to play volleyball again within two weeks to permamently destroy all nerves in forearms so that we can actually dig the ball without swearing. (Also so that we don't have to set the ball from squatting and weird positions just because we don't want to dig it.)


Mostly Another Gaudy Grouch In Exile said...

The price we pay for keeping the ball in the air and the game going. I'd say it's all worth it, more so with good food to reward your efforts. :)

mis_nomer said...

Yup! Must do it more often. :)