Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The space of enlightenment

After consuming my morning teh, I had something akin to an experience of enlightenment. I felt like I had transcendent knowledge, as if a million neurons pathways were suddenly connected within my brain, and I came to these conclusions:

1. The best teh is always ordered from an Indian stall, not the Chinese stall. If there is only a Chinese stall available, go for kopi.

2. Young working men wear plain long sleeved shirts in a new age colour, smell of cologne and carry suitcases. Therefore if you want to look important, carry a suitcase and invest in an iron.

3. I can't listen to my Ipod without feeling the need to jog. Also on the topic of jogging, I know it is my first jog in a while when I itch during the jog. Did you know that exercise releases histamine? I usually only notice the itch if I haven't been jogging for a while.

4. I also had a relevation concerning postmodernity and religion while crossing the overhead bridge but it is too long and boring to put in here. Perhaps I'll post it later in the day.

Meanwhile, have a good Tuesday everyone! Because Tuesdays are better than Mondays.

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