Pencil Shavings

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Morning inventory:

  • Wet pant legs dragging on the floor.
  • Soaked running shoes stuffed with newspapers.
  • Soaked socks lying out to dry
  • Kung-fu style manoeuvres to dry wet pant legs with hand drier in the restroom

Too exciting of a morning I say. Hope shoes dry in time for run this evening.


colinrt said...

caught in the downpour, huh?... the sky was simply reflecting what i can not emote...

i had to put my fishie down today... he was at the end of his two-year lifespan...

he used to hang effortlessly just at the surface for endless hours...

the last few days has been a struggle, he was stuck for long periods at the bottom of the jar, struggling desparately to surface for air when he ran out of breath... poor guy...

i know it was the humane thing to do, to end his suffering, but it doesn't ease my pain any... :-(

mis_nomer said...

Oh dear. So sorry about the fish.. I've never been able to put down any of my fish even if they were really sick. How did you do it?

Don't think too much about it... Two years is quite good for a fish...

colinrt said...

learnt this from a website on pet euthanasia...

for tropical fish only:

use very cold water chilled in the fridge, add to it about 10 ice cubes, wait for a while for the temp to stabilise, and then slip the fish in... the cold will numb it and then it will slip into unconsciousness... mine went under in less than a minute... no thrashing or anything... better than flushing it down the loo or letting it suffocate... there was one suggestion of slipping it into cold liquor tequila or vodka, altho i thot the alcohol will burn its eyes like crazy... fish have no eyelids, right? anyways, it's only humans that are supposed to drink like fish... ;-)

mis_nomer said...

Hmm. Thanks for the tip. I may want to try that if my fish get really sick. So far, of all my fish that have died, the fighting fish are the ones that really suffer. My colleague had a fighting fish hang on to life for two weeks while half its body rotted away. Poor fish.. Maybe I could stick painkillers in the water?