Pencil Shavings

Monday, September 04, 2006

Free stuff I cannot do without: Skype

Everyone knows about Skype so I'll let the pictures do the talkin'.

Talking to sis
Talking to sis. Isn't she beautiful? :)

Talking to dog
Talking to dog.

Pop talking to dog
Pop talking singing to dog

Skype alone is worth the $43 I fork out each month for the internet.

Tip: if you can't get video to work with the latest Skype version, try installing an older version instead. While Skype works great with my A4 Tech webcam ($35 at Sim Lim), skype 2.5 does not.


Gwynne said...

How very cool! I didn't know about Skype, but then I'm still on dial-up at home. Yes, you're sister is beautiful, as is her(?) dog. :-)

mis_nomer said...

Skype is very cool. The quality of sound transmission is clear and crisp. Add that to the video capability, and you've got yourself a very fine product.

I used skype on dial-up before I got broadband. It works fine. The only difference is that you get a slideshow rather than a video. :)

Annie578 said...

Great pics. I've got Skype. I should use it more often. :)

colinrt said...

lol... talking/singing to doggy thru the headphones?! never thot they'd need that... they've got pretty good hearing after all...

btw... you're pretty easy on the eyes as well... *flirt flirt*

Anonymous said...

i love the dog. It reminds me of my Boy Boy. *sighs*

smudgi3 said...

photos!?1!??! you brave little girl. =)

mis_nomer said...

denise, thanks for stopping by! :)

TOT, you're right, the dog was pretty irritated with my dad's singing, and didn't want the headphones at all.

Regarding your second comment, puh-lease.. I look like a beetroot in a florescent yellow tee, which is about as "easy on the eyes" as it gets. ;)

Elle, sorry about your dog. I presume your dog is no longer with you? My sister is petrified of losing her dog -- she has grown so attached to her. It's funny how love makes us get so attached to things/persons that don't last foever, and makes us hurt so badly after. In this light, I almost understand the Buddhist concept of detachment. Almost..

Smudgi3, I know! I think I'm in a reckless mood. In fact I took it down once before deciding to leave the pic up, and may decide to take it down again. ;)

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does the dog look somewhat confused? :P

mis_nomer said...

I think it is her eyebrows that make her looked confused. Or maybe it is the florescent greeen beetroot in the computer screen going "Sit! Sit! Doggie, Sit!" when she is already sitting. Humans are so stupid sometimes. ;)