Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Running graph

Running Graph

This is a graph of every single run I've ever done since July 2004.

I think it will be fun to watch this graph change as Smole and I push the upper limit of distance in preparation for the marathon in December. You can already see "Week 1" as the first peak just after the Army Half Marathon.

To Smole -- 13 weeks, baby! 'Till the wheels fall off and burn!

Related posts: One year running; Speed and Distance


Anonymous said...

ok, now i'm really scared.

colinrt said...

i'll pretend to be totally beng and say:

jia you, jia you...

wo men hway yong yen jun jing ni...

Gwynne said...

egads! ;-)

Anonymous said...

we have a term for you people:
running geeks!

training for a marathon will do that.


kops21 said...

C u at 6am on 3rd Dec...:)

Renohtaram said...

yep, can see the upward trend for distance covered :)