Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Cold and wet no more

I'm so glad to be home and dry. It has been raining for 12 hours straight. Foreign parts get snow in December; we get dripping umbrellas, wet socks, and freezing cold public transportation.

Of course, Canadian resident b who thinks that -5 degrees is "balmy" will snort at my definition of "freezing cold public transportation". Well. I can only say that equatorial Singaporeans are more susceptible to tiny downward shifts in temperature than our temperate counterparts. It's in our genetic make up. Just check out the pictures of kops21 running the NY marathon and you'll see why.

(Congrats to kops21 for running and finishing such an iconic race!)

What always amazes me (in a bad way) is how the bus can still smell so bad when there is all this water washing everything away. The people who smell bad obviously use umbrellas. The people who don't smell bad use deodorant.

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