Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Low productivity days

I'm back at work. It has been raining and raining since early this morning. It's the kind of weather meant for snuggling under the blanket with a book and a hot cup of tea, not for hitching up the pants and wading through cold, dirty puddles of rain to catch a bus that will splash water at you as it zooms past.

But I'm dry as long as I remain in the office, and all I've done this morning could have been accomplished in about 5 minutes flat. I reserve the right to a low productivity morning the day after Christmas. I'm just not cranked up yet.

Typically, on a low productivity day -- all my colleagues are moving in slow mo too -- the servers also want to take a break. So just one hour ago, while I was sitting in the pantry having my scrounged together lunch (half a can of opened tuna, three slices of toasted frozen bread and a cup of minestrone soup), we stopped receiving emails.

The servers know what's good for them. I think I'll go cut up some Christmas log cake now.

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