Pencil Shavings

Thursday, June 28, 2007

All flights into Dallas suspended

It's crazy. My sister is stuck in LA because they have canceled all flights into Dallas for the next three days because of tornadoes. She has been flying for 30 hours; she lost her luggage; she has no extra set of clean clothes; and it is mayhem in the LA airport. Every queue takes an hour and a half. She waited for hours to be on standby for the 1am flight and then hours more for the 6am flight, only to be told that she could not fit on either. I feel so sorry for her. I just found out that she has just checked into a hotel. Do pray for her and the bad weather Dallas is experiencing if you get a chance.

[She's back home safe after a 48 hours journey, thank God.]

1 comment:

Eric Siegmund said...

I feel for your sister, having been stranded in a strange city by circumstances beyond our control (it was a flight attendant strike in our case, which was possibly even more frustrating than weather).

As far as the weather itself goes, what's really bad is that Dallas isn't even getting the worst weather in Texas. Some parts of the Hill Country (in the central part of the state) got almost 20 inches of rain in 24 hours. Terrible flooding, as you can imagine.