Pencil Shavings

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The most belated birthday party ever

I had a birthday party yesterday — two months and ten days after the fact — can anyone here beat that? :)

I had a cake from choc.a.bloc (endorsed by Jamie Oliver's chocoholic siblings), party hats, party squealer things (which were very noisy and festive), a piggy bank present (for me to save up for my new place — imagine two hundred thousand dollars in coins stuffed into a tiny pig, not going to happen), a wonderful framed photo present of a silly looking cow, but best of all, I had four human friends and two doggie ones determined to throw me a surprise party no matter how belated it was.

Kinda sweet, if you think about it.


That Janie Girl said...

Happy belated birthday and belated birthday party!!

smudgi3 said...

Nothing beats receiving silly presents and the company of silly friends.

Anonymous said...

better late than never =) -milktea

Anonymous said...

wow... i was imagining squeezing 200 bills of 1-thousand dollar bills into the little piggy and it still will not happen! maybe a nice fat (and flat) cheque someday huh? :)

colinrt said...

sounded fun... regardless of how late... let me add to those warm wishes... Happy Birthday MN... and may you find that dream flat...