Made a new friend three months ago. She's an amiable, unassuming and a gentle person, and I enjoy working closely with her. Early on, through a few remarks she made about my finisher's t-shirt, I guessed that she was closely affiliated with the sgrunner's group, and with TLR in particular.
But do you know what's the funny thing? I don't know TLR at all, except for meeting him once to collect my sgrunner's tshirt, but I can remember that he lives in Bedok just from having followed his blog for a few months, but I could not for the life of me remember where my new friend lived, despite her having told me at least twice.
Strange isn't it? That my virtual readers should know me so well?
*kisskiss =)
i can think of two reasons straight off, why that is:
1. in real life, there's no rewind and no instant replay... where as in the virtual, you can read and re-read a passage until you dissect fully what the person is trying to say... on the flip side, what you write tends to be better thought out, with all that editing and re-editing... hence, you're able to be clearer and more precise than if you were just gabbing along in reality, making small talk without really saying anything deep...
2. people are more forthcoming with what they wanna say when they're anonymous... where as in real life, we tend to be more guarded - in case we offend the other person by some unthinking comment... so, there are more layers to peel to get to the real it may take longer to get to know that person...
a bonus reason: time also telescopes in the virtual world... it tends to be more fluid... where as in reality, it is more fixed... don't ask me why that is... as such, you can "visit" anytime... where as there are certain norms when visiting hours are in the real world... so you may not get to meet your friend as often as one in the bloggysphere...
but, having said all that... not all blogs are as open as yours... nor as lucid... so one may have to wade through tons of brainless waffling and self-glorifying drivel before getting to something real meaty to chew on on the internet... so, it balances out in some way... ;-)
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