Pencil Shavings

Monday, June 18, 2007

To market! To market! To buy a fat pig!

I went marketing today. Overseas, you go "grocery shopping"; here, you go "marketing". Do Europeans make a verb out of this noun as well? Just curious.

Anyway, I went marketing. I not only stopped by the local NTUC to pick up some bee hoon and chye sim, I even ventured into the wet market, which is precisely what it sounds like, a market that is very very wet. I found the Yong Tau Foo stall with the help of my mother's directions (facing the Chinese temple—was actually only an altar. Run by an older lady and a younger lady—erm, okay), and bought nine pieces for $1.40 after mangling a bit of the raw fish in the green peppers with my tongs.

I feel so accomplished.

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