Pencil Shavings

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Digression at the peak of the day

Saturday, noon time. All I want to do is to laze away the heat of the afternoon and sip a iced drink periodically — one that fills up magically by itself and does not make me fat. I've got to do the milk run tomorrow — what possessed me to sign up for a run that starts at 3:30pm in the afternoon? Coupled with the fact that I am far from fit, it is going to be a horrible experience. So tempted to pull a no-show but that seems cowardly.

The heat makes us snap at each other. We irritate each other like flies buzzing about the head. If only we could lie in large recliners with our books of choice and sip iced drinks, occasionally holding hands, surely we would be more conciliatory then. But all of this nonsense writing is only to procrastinate walking out into the humidity, to procrastinate even on getting up and fixing me a drink.

A drink will be make this world a better place, for now, for me anyway.

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