Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I miss my Macbook

One of the reasons why I almost got an Acer was that I could get my baby back within 24 hours, as opposed me calling up the service centre on Day 6, the guy getting my service no ID and then saying: "I'll give you a call after lunch," and me with alarm bells going off furiously in my head — you mean you haven't taken a look at it yet?!? The lady at the counter said five days!

And the call comes at 5pm informing that he could not replicate the random shutdown that I was experiencing — erm, that's why I said it was "random" — and he made me feel as if I was an over-reacting woman for just the briefest second, before saying, "But we'll change the board anyway and it'll be ready by the end of the week."

It means that the Mac folks' turn-around time is 11 days, compared to Acer's 1 day. And you know what the funniest thing is? I had actually read enough online about my Macbook's problem that I could have told them the diagnosis and what they ought to do with it, or at least what they have been doing for people with problems like mine, right at the counter. But because you guys are supposed to be the experts and I am only an internet rumour monger, I kept quiet.

I really hope it isn't a problem with the battery instead.

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