Pencil Shavings

Friday, August 05, 2005

It's the weekend!

Dance of joy! :D

All I'm doing this weekend is lots of running, eating, hanging out, reading and watching DVDs! Yeeha!

Have a good one guys.


colinrt said...

thanks mis_nomer, altho' mine started tonight (friday)... am on leave next week, so there's an extra bounce in that dance of joy, a little more zip in that stride, and more edge in the anticipation of the prospect of not having to get up early for that mazy dash to the office... and i won at Magic tonight... woohoo!... what a great way to start the hols!! here's wishing you a great weekend ahead as well... and yeee-haa! just about sums it up preetty much.. :-D

mis_nomer said...

wow! have a great week..