Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

are you an sgrunner?

you've simply got to read joan's about page.

in fact, non-runners should read it too.

it is very inspiring.


Jim Jannotti said...

I hate to be a party pooper but I took one look at those intrusive ads and away I clicked.


Anonymous said...

I know, Jim, they're terrible! But I am trying to figure out a way to pay for my operating costs. Stay-at-home moms, unfortunately, are unpaid labor.

Mis_, thanks for the link!

mis_nomer said...

hi joan, not sure if you will check back here again, perhaps i should email you instead..

one way to get a little cash from your blog is to sign up with amazon associates. when you post about a book or a movie or anything amazon sells, and someone buys it on your recommendation via your link, amazon will pay you. frankly, i've never made a cent from them this way, but my traffic is very low. it may work for you though..

if you roll over any of the thumbnails in my reading category, you'll see that the url link has "pencilshaving" embedded in them -- that's how they know who to pay. :)

anyway, wish you the best..

Anonymous said...

well, at the risk of sounding too smarmy or sychophantic ... your blog, Mis_nomer, is my inspiration to keep it real.

Jim, I hope I don't offend.