Pencil Shavings

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Marina South

Yesterday I sprung out of bed at 6:30am and decided to bike to Marina South since I couldn't fall back asleep anyway. It was a really lovely morning -- Marina South was deserted except for a middle-aged man with two unleashed dogs, a few campers who spent the night, and two lost teenage cyclists who looked really put out that they could not get to Esplanade from Marina South. I saw them flagging a cab later and trying to fit both their bikes in the back. Poor things. If only they just lived the moment and took the oppourtunity to sit by the sea and forget about their savanger hunt for a while, then they would see what I soaked in -- the rising sun reflecting off the ripples, the quiet of the morning, the fresh air that goes straight to the heart.

I took the Garmin Forerunner on my cycle, and was quite pleased with the improved reception this time round. The Forerunner told me that I cycled a total of 12.4km in 51mins there and back, with a mazimum cycling speed of 24km/hr, and an average speed of 14km/hr. Pretty nifty. As usual, I lost reception over Shenton Way. I must go again, before Marina South becomes One Giant Casino.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

o shit..! forgot about that casino. must go to marina bay soon.