Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


i was on the last stretch of my very last lap of 800m. I could see the finishing line just ahead, so I gave it everything I got and kept accelerating to the end.

All I could hear was the pounding in my ears.. just 20m more..

Then suddenly, I heard someone yell behind me, "What are you doing?" And then I realised there were two ang moh men behind me and I had inadvertently sped up just as they were going to overtake me.

I said, "Sorry.. I'm finishing..." as I veered off to the grass. And then, he shoved me hard off the track.

Damn them. I would have fallen if my legs didn't keep going.

Later I saw them on the other side of the track and I was very pissed so I walked towards them to say that I really didn't hear them -- all the earlier laps I always stepped aside to the drain to let them pass -- but he still should not have pushed me. But the guy I approached said it was the other guy who pushed me, and he was already running out of the stadium to leave. So I didn't confront the ang moh bully after all.

I feel like crying. :(

They were part of a team. I want to know the name of their company.


Renohtaram said...

Their behaviour reflects a total lack of sportsmanship. They should apologise for what they had done to you.

Jim Jannotti said...

He pushed you! That's worse than poor sportsmanship. They should be disqualified at the very least.

Sivasothi said...

Goodneess ,that was shocking and unpleasant! Very sorry it happened to you.

Anonymous said...

Humph. Those stupid p****...

Anonymous said...

wow that's so rude! They sure would be disqualified if it was a meet.

kops21 said...

bad ang what they are fast...they are just bad bully.

Gwynne said...

I can't even believe what I just read! That's a shame and I'm sorry that you were the brunt of such brutality. :-(

smudgi3 said...

babe, if I were you, i'd do whatever I can to get the name of their company and write them a long and sweet letter, cc it to as many people as I deem fit, and then post the letter up on my blog, and then do a follow up post of their reply (or lack thereof).

Anonymous said...

How awful. Once, when I was in the middle of a serious training session, there was a guy in lane one jogging. I started sreaming "Track!" (which means, clear lane one -faster runners coming through) but he didn't budge. I kept yelling "Track! Lane one! Track!" and finally yelled/spit it right in his ear when I overtook him. It seems he was wearing headphones ... perhaps listening to Chopin ... and gently dis-lodged one from his ear then said, quite calmly, "Why are you yelling at me?" Apparently, he didn't know track ettiquite. I might as WELL have shoved the guy. It was awful. I was awful. And that dude who pushed you was the awfullest of them all!