Pencil Shavings

Saturday, September 30, 2006


If you become a pastor, does that make your life an experiment?


colinrt said...

figured out the problem finally... the office had suddenly become paranoid and retained the services of a third-party internet security consultant...
bottomline: the consultant has identified and determined (on whoever really knows what sort of demented basis) that certain urls were BAD and hence blocked...

sadly, mn, yours was one of them that was considered a THREAT... to what i do not yet know...

i found this out only after speaking to the office IT manager who then asked me to email him a request that your url be unblocked... sigh... red tape and the technocrat... dunno when that'll be done tho... so, till whenever, i can only visit while at home... so, did i miss anything while i was shut out?

colinrt said...

also, in response to the question posed in this post... *corn alert: level red*

your life's an experiment only if you become a "pasteur"...

on a more serious note, i don't think pastors think their lives an experiment... which implies some cold calculated hit and miss approach to discovering an unknown...
after all, a life-calling to tend to the flock is anything but an yet-to-be discovered unknown... and God does provide the answers if one has the faith... maybe it's a test of faith and patience more than anything else... because dealing with people and their petty problems can be really draining... like a marathon run perhaps...

Alvin said...

The word "If" to me means assuming/supposing.

If I'm a pastor, the most important role of a pastor is to be Christ's disciple. One not experimenting life, but experiencing the realities.

Does this make sense?

mis_nomer said...

Yo TOT! I missed you! Was strangely afraid of losing track of you because all we have is this miserable url.

Did your office block all blogspot urls? Surely it is not just mine! Yikes. If I'm not wrong, PWC blocks flickr, blogspot, etc. too. Pretty crummy.

(re the corn, harharhar. :) you're right, i don't think pastors may think of their lives as an experiment. perhaps it is only me who thinks of them that way! oh dear me...)

MOFW, yes experiencing life does make sense.. I suppose sometimes I feel that life is an experiment, not like it isn't important or anything, just that we have to take certain things by faith, live in a certain way, and see if it plays out to be true... And pastors do it for a living, if you know what I mean..

Jim Jannotti said...


In the sense that people watch you to see how you will react/what will happen to you as a result of everything life, and God, brings your way, and take notes on what they see... yes.

colinrt said...

the misguided miscreants blocked only your url and not the rest of blogspot... must be the imagined negative connotation from your blog name that scared them silly or something... cretins...

however, it's not that easy to get rid of me... mwahahahar... i vow to bounce right back... need to figure out how to rss your entire blog post is all... o_0 i'm sure there's a way of getting around their paranoid-induced firewall...

will email you my email address... but can't chat online cos i can't install stuff on my office harddisk - no admin rights, see a trend here??... bummerz... sometimes i think my IT dept is run by some thought-tyrannic, neural-Nazi-esque, cranial control-freak... oops... sorry, did not mean to vent on your blog... will continue my cussing offline... ;-)