Pencil Shavings

Sunday, September 03, 2006

So which little red arrow are you?

Visitor Map
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Anonymous said...

That's a very impressive collection of pins you've got there! I'd only ever seen mine with about 3 or 4 locations. I'm not even on this map.

Gwynne said...

I'm the one smack dab in the middle of the U.S. I'd like to be the one in Western Africa. ;-)

Anonymous said...

ahhhh.. i'm not on the map..
i hail from new zealand at the moment.

mis_nomer said...

Thanks for coming by folks! You know, statcounter should give us a code so that we can view the map "live". That would rock. :)

mis_nomer said...

That's you! Heh. Of course, if you use AOL, you could be anywhere, since they use a proxy server. :)

Anonymous said...

I am North Carolina ... or, as some say, North Cackalacky. Your website wasn't up for a week (or I didn't hit "refresh) so I am way behind!

mis_nomer said...

Know what Joan, I did exactly the same thing for your site. And then all of a sudden there were all these posts and poignant thoughtful quotes that I didn't know how to respond.. So all I did was to store your words somewhere to think about at a later time..