Pencil Shavings

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Room service at Sptw. Park

Breakfast: Saturday morning

My parents are sweet. This is the note my mum left me this morning: "E- Prawn mee for you. No duck mee." In case you think I'm a duck noodle fanatic, the reason why she wrote "no duck mee" was because she asked me what I wanted last night -- I get room service on Saturday mornings ;) -- and for once I actually knew what I wanted: duck mee.

But prawn mee is good too. :)

My grandfather used to buy prawn mee from this very same Tanjong Pagar stall for my mother for breakfast too. Imagine that. Now the lady running the stall is much older but she still does it single-handedly, and it packs a good four half-prawns, one-eighth egg, and a smattering of fishcake and beansprouts for $2 a packet (I think, or maybe it is $2.50, I have to ask my mother. Heh.).

If I have to do an audit of my life about the things I have and the things I don't, I think I still have to conclude: I am very blessed.

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