Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Sometimes I feel like I am balancing on a tight-rope and one false move is all it takes for the people I care about to get upset with me. I suppose it will blow over; it usually does; but I hate this waiting, this dark night, when I don't know whether you still like me.

I will wake up tomorrow, brush my teeth, have my coffee, head to work. Nobody will be able to tell that I've been waiting all night.


Anonymous said...

Poignant and well said.

But gosh, we all still like you. Don't we?

smudgi3 said...


That Janie Girl said...

You're good, girl. Don't get upset when people get flaily (it's a Janie word) probably isn't even about you. It's probably a bad hair day, hormones, or their favorite team didn't win. And none of that is about you!

They need to grow a spine.

Anonymous said...

this post is a little bit cryptic. Am I the only one who can't decipher it?