Pencil Shavings

Thursday, June 28, 2007


When I walked out of Kinokuniya yesterday evening, I was grinning like a squirrel on drugs. I had just bought more books at one go than I have ever had in my entire life. My head was light; my pocket was light; the only thing that kept me firmly on the ground were the two heavy bags of books.

Concise Oxford English Dictionary $66.10
How to Travel with a Salmon (Rushdie) $27.69
Clash of Civilization (Huntington) $26.25
Weight (Winterson) $17.33
Sexing the Cherry (Winterson) $22.10
Spoken Here (Abley) $25.73
The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald) $17.33
Elements of Style (Skunk & White) $13.60
Oxford Mini School Dictionary $13.95 [Three copies]
The Sandman Papers $34.41
Season of Mists (Gaiman) $27.08

Total (after 20% discount=$63.89) $255.58


smudgi3 said...

Wow. That's My kind of retail therapy. It must have given you an indescribable high.

mis_nomer said...

Indescribable. :)