Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I feel like a fool for not having installed firefox earlier.

Tabbed Browsing
You can choose to open new pages in a new page or in a new tab. This means I can organise my web searches better by opening all the pages related to a particular search on the same page in different tabs.

Smart Keywords
Smart Keywords simply rocks. Using the National Library Catalogue as an example, this is how it works.

1. Go to NLB Catalogue.
2. Right click the search box and click "Add a new Keyword for this search"
3. Input a name and a keyword for the search. In case case I used "nlb" as the keyword.
4. Go to address bar and type in "nlb (book title)". And the search will be done for you.

Preloaded keyword search includes dictionary (dict), wikipedia (wp), urban dictionary (slang), and others.

Live Bookmarks
Live Bookmarks are sweet too. This means you can get an RSS feed on your bookmark page. So far my live bookmarks include BBC and my Ta Da List.

1 comment:

mis_nomer said...

I'm ready! I'm ready! But I have a ton to do at work today so will have to do it another time.