Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Childish nightmares will haunt me forever

I must be stressed about the meeting this morning because all night long I dreamt I was taking a Chinese test I could not understand. Worse, my friend sitting beside me didn't let me copy. If there is something I can fail at royally, it will be a Chinese test. God knows how I passed my `A' levels.


colinrt said...

ahahaha! me too... i get these anxiety dreams as well... not very often though.... used to be worse when i was starting out as a rookie reporter...

mine usually goes like this:
wide angle of examination hall the size of 100 football fields... silence... no one else is there... camera zooms in... except me... i look down at the booklet and the questions don't make any sense cos i studied all the wrong chapters... and then, (don't ask me for logic in the dream) i realise that i've missed the exam by a day cos i got the dates mixed up... and the dread that overcomes me paralyses my hand so it can't even spell my name out at the top of the answer sheet... which remains blank the entire duration of the several hour-long exam... and then, there i am, running up to the principal's office to explain the situation, but the more i run, the longer the corridors seem to get and climb stairs that never seem to end... and then i wake up with a start...

phew! glad i don't ever have to take exams, ever again...

mis_nomer said...

:) I wonder if this is a Singaporean phenomenon. Do Americans get exam nightmares?

Jim Jannotti said...

I have this awful dream that I'm back in high school... First, I can't remember my locker combination and then I walk into calculus class to find there's a test I completely forgot about.

And now that I've read this post, I'm sure the next time that dream comes, the test will be in Chinese!

mis_nomer said...

Heehee. That's funny. So I guess Americans get exam nightmares too..