Pencil Shavings

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Lesson #1: Prioritise

If you want to succeed in life, you need to prioritise. You've got to channel your energy and ambition into a cause that you want. I'm not being didatic about what are worthy or unworthy causes, it's your call, but you've just got to decide.

Look at Ms Nomer. She is out running this morning and guess where she is running to? To work. On a Saturday morning, and get this, to pick up 5 Bibles to give to Cambodian children. Let me ask you this: you say the Word of the God is sweeter than honey, but can this book fill a child's empty stomach? Or is it just to placate them and keep them from rising up from under the yoke of injustice? Thank god these well-meaning foreign missionaries did not go while Cambodia was still under the Commmunist Khmer Rouge, for if so, I'll bet my bottom dollar that the people would still be suffering atrocities today.

Religion is a medicine. To soothe, to placate, to numb. It's good for developed countries like America because it is an alternative lifestyle. Like I said at first, I'm not being didactic about what is a worthy or an unworthy cause. If you wanna be a famous and rich pastor, by all means go ahead, but make sure that your energy is channeled and that the end of the day, you have something to show for it.

Look at that fool Richard Foster. For a period, he was the most sought after Christian speaker in the world! But he threw it all away to tend to a mentally retarded invalid, refusing to accept speaking engagements, saying that he has "retired" from public life. Retired my foot! You only have one life my friend. Squander it, and it will disappear as smoke from a smoldering log.

Wilfully yours,


colinrt said...

religion is not medicine, my dear ms anthrope... it's the opiate of the masses, a drug that hallucinates, a panacea that promises much but delivers little.. a thought-controlling pharmaceutical to lead an oppressed people deeper into oppression... to sucker them into giving all their hard earned cash to the overflowing coffers of the church that man built... not just to soothe, placate nor numb... more to deaden (as in botox), desensitise, or just plain euthanise... i like where this new blog is going... edgy... lots of feathers need ruffling every now and then...

mis_nomer said...

Medicine, opiate, drug, all the same to me. Just a means to an end. :)