Pencil Shavings

Friday, March 31, 2006

Why I should not get a Blackberry

Picture 063

I was drafting emails in my head while on the bus to work today and I thought, wouldn't it be great if I could actually write the emails now and send it off while I'm on my way to work? Wouldn't that increase my productivity and give me more time to do other things that need to get done when I get into office?

And then I thought: do I really want to squeeze out every empty moment in my life? I find that there are fewer and fewer "still" moments in my life (and I don't mean time spent sleeping). Most of the time, I am bombarded by adverts, thoughts about what I need to get done, shoppping windows that vie for my attention, SMSes, my rumbling stomach, etc. There are very few moments when I am truly quiet and content with who I am.

We have lost the Sabbath. So much so that when the sounds die out and the sights fade away, we are suddenly struck by how desolate our inner being looks, and we freak out, so we say we are bored and we look for something to distract us from ourselves.

I suppose I ought to relearn how to be quiet again.


Gwynne said...

So true! I was struck by your desolate our inner being looks. We all need to relearn how to be quiet again. And to respect the Sabbath for what it is, a day of rest (and that doesn't mean sleep). The world is so full of distractions. *sigh*

mis_nomer said...

But the distractions are so entertaining sometimes. It is hard.