Pencil Shavings

Thursday, March 30, 2006

die die must run

I am at the "die die must run" stage of the week. My motivation to run waxes and wanes. Although the looming task of 42.2km at the end of the year ought to be motivation enough to put away my pack of chips, get off the couch and go for a run, December is a long way from March, and I just can't seem to find that extra oomph to do more than what I usually do. These days, I'm content to just put in the minumum number (and I mean minimum) of kilometers on the old usual routes.

But today, I "die die must run". I didn't run Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday this week, and I just know that if I put it off any longer, it is going to hurt when I start again.

1 comment:

mis_nomer said...

I'm sad to say I didn't run yesterday. It rained and by the time it stopped, I was too lazy. Oh dear me!

I'll get some kickboxing in today though, but that is more fun than anything.