Pencil Shavings

Monday, July 17, 2006

where body and heart meet

Wearing a GPS watch makes me smarter. For one, I made the startling realisation during my long run this weekend that I can only be at one place at any single point in time: a precise latitude and longtitude on the map. So figuring out where the body is is as simple as strapping on a watch, but as eric and joan point out, what does that really mean anyway?

Alfian wrote an extraordinary love story between two men titled "This Was Where: Weilong and Derrick: A Topographic Diary" that explores this idea between heart and geographical space. He says:

We are going to make a map of a certain relationship. It will be about the determinism of urban spaces, the inscription of narratives on architectural space, intersections and vanishing points...

I read this a long time ago via Tym's site, and it is a mind-boggling good love story.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10


colinrt said...

sorry mn... not as sophisticated as some other netizens... i still harbour very rednecked attitudes towards gay men despite their proliferation in society...

reading the story was like looking at a horrible roadside accident... couldn't help being fascinated by the story line while at the same time, being totally revulsed at the thought of homosexuals going at it... i kept wanting to substitute a woman as one of the characters... o_O

mis_nomer said...

i think a lot of people have that repulsion, so i'm sorry about hoisting that story on you. i read it a long while ago so i really can't remember the details, only that it was very well-written, and that the idea of using space as markers of a relationship intrigued me.