Pencil Shavings

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Feeling down

Feeling down
I'm so screwed. The marathon is in two weeks.

Today, my illiotibial band hurt more than it did last week, forcing me to abort the long run at a mere 13km. Did I get vaselined, sunscreened, hatted, all taped up just for this?

My cardiovascular fitness isn't up to scruff -- today I felt lethagic, miserable and pessimistic. My running buddy was tired and kept having to stop. Swimming 10 laps every other day doesn't seem to be enough, yet that is about as much swimming as I can bear.

Ever since my Garmin forerunner came back from the workshop in Taiwan, I haven't been able to get a decent reception from it. It hangs like a dead weight on my wrist. Perhaps its performance mirrors his owner's.

How? How? How? All I want to do is to finish.


Renohtaram said...

if your goal is just to complete, then u can try keeping to a slow enough pace at which your ITB pain doesn't set in. but that means you'll have to contend with the heat of the day.

however, if your ITB pain doesn't go away even if you keep to a slow pace, then it may be better to rest for now, and try next time when you are much better...

mis_nomer said...

Sigh. Except that I read that a shorter stride (i.e. faster) is less stressful to the ITB, which would explain why my ITB hurts less on fast 9km runs, than slow 13km runs (that were supposed to be 25km).

Aw well. I think I'll just swim a lot and hope for the best. At most walk/ limp lor. I don't like swimming! Argh.