Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Back to pen and paper

I've downgraded to a pen and paper diary for 2007. It's strange. I'm so used to tapping in an appointment and having in synchronized with my office comp, my home comp, konfabulator on my desktop and being able to choose whether I want to be reminded an hour before, a day before or a week before, that now, after I pencil in my little entry in my paper diary, I stare at it dumbly and wonder where the "OK" button is.

I feel like I'm back in school. Because back then, I always started the year full of aspirations about being organized and I would buy a nice paper diary and it would end up semi-filled with all the miserable deadlines of the year. Some years the diary would be chock-full of cheesy quotations and notes from classmates; some years I forgot about its existence until the year was over.

All in all, this paper diary doesn't bring back good vibes. I thought I would be happy to get back to pen and paper, but my handwriting is so ugly.

Dang it, I don't think I could go back to school. :(


Gwynne said...

I've heard this is a trend...paper calendars/notebooks. I wonder what gives? I laughed at the "OK" button though...old habits die slowly. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Hi, haven't stopped by here for ages. Happy new year to you =)

Anonymous said...

What is a pen?