Pencil Shavings

Saturday, January 06, 2007

One from the past

My sister caught a fish

Malacca, early '80s. My younger sister had caught a fish. We were both excited and exceedingly frightened of the huge fish on the line -- a catfish, our father said -- the kind that ate up all the rubbish from the bottom of the sea.

She was the only one who caught a fish -- she has always been lucky that way. I was the tiniest bit jealous that it wasn't me that caught it, but I could never stay jealous of my sister for long, except for the time when she took the Lemon Strawberry Shortcake and left me with the brown girl with freckles on her face. That time I was mad and chased her round and round the bush at the Botanic Gardens, but not this time, because I was too excited.

So we posed with the prize with fear and trembling -- her with her shirt neatly tucked in, me with mine sloppily out -- bow-legged and grinning and with our futures in front of us.


Anonymous said...

"Baby, you were born to ruuuuunnn!"

Renohtaram said...

you two look so adorable in the picture :)

what happened to the fish, by the way?

mis_nomer said...

Jim, heeheehee. :)

Reno, I vaguely remember my father putting it back into the sea. I could ask my dad. I wonder if he will remember..

Gwynne said...

Adorable...and you have my legs. ;-)

mis_nomer said...

Haha! My dad thinks my legs are bowlegged cos he made me use one of those child walkers that isn't encouraged now cos kids kept falling down stairs. But I don't think so. :) Did you use a child walker?