Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

New blogger here I come

I've gone ahead and upgraded to the new blogger. They didn't give me any choice in the matter actually, but I am liking it quite well.

Was afraid of losing my template when I upgraded but I wanted to have labels in my sidebar more than I was sentimental about the old template. I suppose I will have to say goodbye to my ancient method of creating categories for blogger. It is time to move on. Life as someone put so eloquently, is a trapeze act, grabbing and letting go, grabbing and letting go, until you get to the final bar that is greased.

This is my 989th post and I'm anal enough to want to go back to label everything. It is starting to look a bit like what I would like my brain to look like: posts on running, reading, etc. and all the important and interesting stuff uncategorised. ;) I'm deliberating how specific I want my labels to be. Do I want a post on "Irving" or "Gaiman" or just leave everything under "Books"?

I'll figure it out along the way. :)


Alvin said...

The words now appeared to be bigger for me, good for my eyesight. :P

Jim Jannotti said...

now it's green!

mis_nomer said...

Heh. I'm having a little fun with the font and colours. :) Any requests? ;)

leesepea said...

Thanks for the suggestion about how you got rid of the blog title in your header - I'll have to give it a shot! As for the textured stuff in my sidebar titles and background, I had paid someone to design my site in Blogger Classic a few years ago, so when I upgraded I just used the original files she had, which are being hosted at Photobucket. I wish I could give a little more insight, but I am HTML clueless! I loved her design so much, though, that I did what I could to preserve it in New Blogger.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sivasothi said...

Nice looking page! ANd yeah, larger font is lovely!