Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Flotsam and jetsam

Trivia time.

Do you know the difference between flotsam and jetsam? Jetsam is that part of a shipwreck that has been thrown aboard and flotsam that which has floated off of its own accord. The distinction used to be important because flotsam went to the Crown and jetsam to the lord of the manor on whose land it washed up. Interesting eh?

(Wreckage on the sea floor is lagan.)

- Troublesome Words, Bill Bryson


Anonymous said...

Now, I regret not finding this blog earlier:-)I'm going to bookmark this if you don't mind - again,love the book reviews. I read "The Kite Runner" too. But I got to say that I can't write like you. Cheers!


mis_nomer said...

Hi mrdes, welcome! Thanks for the compliment.. :)

Anonymous said...

i thot it was ligan. flotsam is the light stuff light cork and jetsam is the heavy stuff right?

mis_nomer said...


Gwynne said...

See, that is why I love Bill Bryson! ;-)

mis_nomer said...

heehee. remembering what you said about Bryson was the reason why I picked up this book from the library. :) and yes, it is good.