Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I'm even more confused now. Was 95% sure about moving out of my current job into something new, but I talked to my boss this afternoon and he asked if I would be willing to stay another 2 years.

And then I went back to being 40% sure.

It would be easy to decide to go if I was excited about the new job, but the truth is I'm scared like anything and I hate change and I would rather stay. But how long more can I wait? I turn 30 this year! The thought of starting all over again is bad enough this year, let alone in two years' time.

I thought about staying and doing a Masters in the meanwhile, but I missed the deadline of one by a week, and the other required certain work experience that I did not have. And it appears that the starting pay for Bachelor degree holders and Master degree holders is the same, so getting a Masters won't put me any higher in the food chain in two years' time.

Back to 50-50. I think I will whimper quietly to myself now*.


Anonymous said...

I personally like to put it this way: "events speak" so does it mean a closed door of doing a Master in this time? Hmm I would feel now that you might be at a crossroad... should I or shouldn't I move on?

Gwynne said...

I love Eric's comment about the steps in front of you. Good advice.

My thought when I read that your boss asked if you'd "be willing to stay" suggests to me that it's time to move on unless there's a financial reward that comes with the willingness that is too good to pass up and doesn't require sacrificing your soul. Just my 2 cents. :-)

Anonymous said...

I can't give any good advice, but I will pray for you. :)

mis_nomer said...

Thank you very much everyone.

What Eric and Gwynne said kept coming back to me over the last two days. I agree with Eric, I can start over again at any age. But the older I get, the harder it is to bear a pay cut, the less marketable I become, and the less willing I'll be to work like crazy to establish myself. :)

It is so cool that I can advice from people whom I would normally not dared to get advice from, and to see things from "the other side of the mountain". Thank you.