Pencil Shavings

Friday, January 05, 2007

A bridemaid's checklist

I'm the universal friend.

Going to Medan, Indonesia next week for a buddy's wedding, and it looks like I may be bridesmaid again 'cos the sister of the bride is too shy. I've done it four times already. At the last wedding, I told my friends brashly that it would be my last time, but it looks like I may be wrong.

Looks like I have to dig out the trusty bridesmaid's checklist again:

Bridesmaid's "magic box"
- safety pins
- hair pins
- black hair rubber bands
- needle and white thread
- panadol
- band-aid
- tissue paper
- blotter paper
- lipstick
- straw (I always, always forget this)
- breath freshener
- razor
- swiss army knife (I wish I had one. But I don't. So I'll bring a small scissors instead.)
- red packets

Bridesmaid's to-do list
- Mind the bride's train
- Practise dressing the bride and looping up the train.
- Bring a button-down shirt, just in case
- Listen to the bride practise her vows and tell her she is doing wonderfully.
- If you are making a speech, remember to mention the family.
- Smile a lot.

I'm still hoping that the sister will decide to do it.

(You know what's interesting? I've never been a bridesmaid at a church wedding in Singapore!)


mis_nomer said...

You're the ubiquitous pallbearer? Wow... What an honour. How many to a coffin? Is it easy to drop? Over here, the coffin is usually carried by employees of the casket company. The eldest son carries a photo of the deceased, and family members walk behind the casket-carrying van to "send him off", so to speak.

Re the straw, surely you can guess? ;)

Anonymous said...

Is it a bad thing to do too much bridemaid?

I can double up as brother and wedding car driver. At least i can more or less cover my ang pow in the evening....:)

mis_nomer said...

Oh, that's what my colleagues tell me too but I don't think it's true. :)

Can cover ang pow in evening meh? That's quite a large helper's ang pow!

Gwynne said...

Okay, I've been a bridesmaid (but not 4 times...that is an honor also!) and I still have no idea what the straw is for...please do tell.

mis_nomer said...

No one knows about the straw?? I'm surprised. It is so that the bride can drink without having to reapply her lipstick -- at least that's what I think it is for.

Gwynne said...

Oh! That kind of straw. *blushing*

Canopy said...

So you were a bridesmaid at ROM or weddings at hotels?

mis_nomer said...

Gwynne, so I suppose you do know what the straw is for after all. :)

Eric, oh gracious me. The morbid is always comic somehow..

Canopy, actually I was a bridesmaid at church weddings overseas..