Pencil Shavings

Friday, July 20, 2007

Last day

Last day at school today. The teachers and students were so sweet — I still have unopened gifts from my colleagues in my backpack.

The last four months passed by in a flash. It takes up so little space on a calendar, yet it felt so long. It feels as if I've been here ages. I've gotten angry; I've yelled at them; I've pleaded; I've given pep talks; I've messed up; Everyday I learned what I should not have done; I've laughed at their antics; I've smiled when they were sweet; I've told stupid jokes; I've taught them words with four syllables; I've shown them my multi-colour socks.

I've got a little stake in them.

Nevertheless, the students acted up in typical fashion today. One of them balled up a classmate's script and threw it out of the window. Only the co-teacher was in class then — I was out buying pastries for my colleagues — and nobody saw what happened. And of course, the students covered each other's backsides.

It is a slow uphill battle, sometimes a thankless task, sometimes a fulfilling one.

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