Pencil Shavings

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Two books by Jasper Fforde

Fforde's stuff is funny. I read two books by him recently, The Eyre Affair and Lost in a Good Book.

The Eyre Affair
took some getting used to — did Fforde just talk about jumping into books and kidnapping the main character (Jane Eeyre, to be precise) ? — but once I got used to the extent to which Fforde suspends my disbelief, I enjoyed the ride better.

By the time I got the second book, Lost in a Good Book, I was rolling about in laughter. Let me be the first to say it: some of the jokes are really really silly; but gosh, if read in the right frame of mind, they are funny in a nerdy kinda way. The main character's name is Thursday Next, a thirty-something year-old female who is a bit of a mix between Lara Croft and Bridget Jones. Doesn't that make you want to read the books already? ;)

I love Thursday's dodo, Pickwick, who says "Plock-plock". And the bookworms who spit out apostrophes and punctuations when frustrated. And the secret lives of fictional characters.

It's a crazy ridiculous world!


Find it in a library.
Singapore: The Eyre Affair & Lost in a Good Book
Rest of the world: The Eyre Affair & Lost in a Good Book

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