Pencil Shavings

Thursday, July 26, 2007

My mood is a see-saw

Is that how you spell see-saw? I rarely see the word in print. It used to be an integral part of my vocabulary when I was in kindergarten — "Do you want to play see-saw or play swing?" was just about the extent of my decision-making abilities.

Anyway, what I am trying to say about the see-saw is that my mood is like one, a see-saw that is; although, if you wanted, you could also say "a swing", or even "a slide"; or heck, it could even be the entire playground, sand and all.

And the reason why my mood is a see-saw (or swing or slide or entire playground..) is that just ten minutes ago, I was really happy and exuding positive energy from having had an interesting conversation this morning, and then I read an email that made me sad, in that dampening way, and suddenly the world doesn't look so primary-colours cheery anymore, just a dull shade of gray and sepia (for variety's sake).

I hate it when that happens. So I try to be flippant until the feeling goes away.

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