I have a friend who sweats every time he eats. It doesn't matter whether he is eating chicken curry or the coldest ice cream, he will break out into a sweat whenever he starts eating. He told me that his wife used to be mildly disgusted when she sees him sweating into the dinner they are sharing but I'm sure she has gotten over it by now.
Gustatory sweating could be related to the following:
- Frey's syndrome, where the parotid gland is damaged. This condition is very rare.
- Rare complication of diabetes mellitus.
- A symptom of Riley-Day syndrome, which has an incidence of 1 in 3,700 among Jewish people. A symptom of this syndrome includes an insensitivity to pain.
And I'm not sure what else. Sweating while eating spicy food is nomal beacuse of the increase in the metabolic rate. Did you know that spicy food increases your metabolic rate? So theorectically, if you want to indulge in that calorie loaded chocolate sundae but don't want to put on the pounds, add a healthy dose of chilli padi!
Anyway, I think this is a cool way to test for sweat.
- Apply tinture of iodine of skin and allow to dry.
- Apply thin layer of powdered cornstarch.
- If the patient sweats, the cornstarch will turn black as it reacts both to the sweat and the iodine.
Think I should apply dried iodine and roll in cornstarch before the Shears Bridge Run? That would be a hoot! :)
Hi there.
I'm sorry to post this as a comment but had no other way of contacting you. PLEASE could you let me copy your template?! I found your blog through the blogger kubrick template comments, but cannot for the life of me work out how to do some of the stuff that you have done! Please could you e-mail the template to me at sprogblogger@green.co.uk? Thanks so much.
Hi Steve, thanks for popping by. I got the code here. Maybe I can help you better if you let me know what you want to do with the template? Emailing you the template won't really make sense 'cos this blog is actually made up of four blogs linked together by categories. See this post.
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