Pencil Shavings

Saturday, April 01, 2006


(pic from ultimate rebound)

Have I told you that I’m in a kickboxing class? We are in the eighth week already and it is lots of fun. Somehow, punching, kicking and bobbing to music gives me a high. These are the top ten things I’ve discovered:

  1. Only females sign up for kickboxing.
  2. Crunches are from hell.
  3. But they give you abs of steel. (Or at least abs of steel disguised under fat.)
  4. Smole and I look idiotic doing the upper-cut.
  5. Actually, everyone in the class looks idiotic doing the upper-cut.
  6. Everyone, except the instructor, who looks really cool all the time.
  7. I want to be like her.
  8. But I can’t, because
  9. I desperately need a tan, and
  10. I have no co-ordination to speak of.

Now all I need to do is to muster my courage to ask our instructor if they have classes where they actually have something for you to punch; that would make me so happy!

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